Molds, Mycotoxins, the Brain, the Gut and Misconceptions
Molds are present in homes and other indoor places that are water damaged and they produce mycotoxins. One mold species can produce several different mycotoxins and one mycotoxin can come from several different molds. Even small amounts of mold growth in an air conditioner or in ducts will result in the occupants being chronically exposed, constantly breathing mold spores and mycotoxins, causing illness.
the Brain and Mycotoxins
You are what your brain is. Your brain makes you how you are: your personality, your character, your ability to be happy and enjoy life, your emotions, your ability to learn, your daily actions and reactions, how and what you pay attention to, all of these and much more derives from your brain. Your brain’s health is vital to your well-being.
Lyme Disease and Mycotoxicosis: How to Differentiate Between the Two
Lyme Disease and Mycotoxicosis: How to Differentiate Between the Two