“I understand what you think about Shoemaker I spoke with his assistant, and they are offering right some kind of group to talk for the whole year, and it is $7.500  why do I need to pay this money to be in a group support I don’t need this kind of support I need a treatment. Yes, I agree. He is a good market seller.”

So just wanted you to know.  Thank you for all of your Lectures and all of the work you have done in Immunology and Toxicology – you have saved many, many people!



In October, a year ago, just a few weeks before seeing you for the

first time, we vacationed in Disney World. I was so ill at the time, I

barely made it from bench to bench. It was too much for me, I

couldn’t walk it anymore. Since then you have been treating me and

encouraged me. We’ve just returned from another trip to Disney

World. A true test to your excellent care of me. I am very happy to

say that I did GREAT. The difference from last year was

incredible….what you have done for me so far, Dr. Campbell, I can’t

ever “Thank You” enough!!! Please KNOW you are doing an

EXCELLENT job of helping me along with so many others. Please

keep up the GOOD work Dr. Campbell, I am behind you in support


““I truly am grateful to your expertise as a physician and friend. I

really do feel so much better, and I owe this to you., that when they recover life looks so different.

I really believe that with your “special care”, you have given me my life back.

I know the

Lord has been with me always but you were his messenger and



“just a note Just a note to wish you the best year ever. Also to thank you so much for saving my life years ago and continuing to help all of us get the best health care.

you are a godsend. god bless you and your family.

Just wanted to send you a thank you for how much you have guided me. 

Thanks to you - I now don't rely on urine mycotoxins and diagnostic accuracy has improved dramatically. 

Thanks to you - I have started using itraconazole with exceptional outcomes. I ended up trying it on myself, and I feel like it has changed my life. I feel exceptionally more grounded and calmer, and my ability to relate to others and experience joy is transformed...

Really grateful to have you in my life!

Dr. PK

I would like to congratulate you on your recently completed 50 years of work. I will always be very grateful for having found you and especially for helping me regain my health and save my life. Thank you for all your dedication and for sharing all your wisdom.

I send you a hug with much affection.”

“I feel truly blessed to have met you. And ever so grateful to you for being so generous at a time when I had such great need...You have renewed my faith at a time when I felt people really cared no longer about each other, (and) nothing was more important than making money. My sincere thanks!”

real stories count

Hope’s health tanked in 2016 after the birth of her 2nd child. In Summer of 2020, Hope was treated for Lyme Disease, and shortly after that in September of 2020 she received a positive MyMycoLab Mycotoxin Serum Antibody Test. An obvious and necessary step was to move out of her home and to start treatment. In Winter of 2021, Hope and her family moved out of their home and, within a few months, started to notice their health began to improve. Hope started Itraconazole in July 2021 and prior to this had tried natural remedies and healing her gut.  


“This picture is scary, lol. I look like an addict or something. This was a few weeks after being treated for Lyme and before I knew I had mold issues.” (first picture)
“I would never dream a year ago I would be well enough to be taking my girls BY MYSELF for a day at the beach and having energy for all of it. My digestion is still frustrating.” (second picture)

This 20-year-old young man was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. He was wheelchair bound for some time and is now walking after treatment for mycotoxins.



“First morning I’ve woken up with a just about completely flat stomach with no bloating. I’m still dealing with some as the day goes on but nothing compared to what it used to be!!” 

   P.M.- Pre-itraconazole       A.M- During Itraconazole


   Before treatment
After 2 months of treatment
Cured! After 6 months of treatment


Before treatment
After treatment
Before treatment

After treatment


“I’m slowly becoming less chemically sensitive, my stamina is improving, I’m not in pain a as often, I’m noticing my breathing is easier, and I seem to be more satisfied when I eat. Not to mention that I have ALWAYS wanted to go on a backpacking trip with my husband and I was able to go for the first time EVER!” 

We finally came to grips with the fact that our house had a mold problem, even though we were never able to find it.  We moved out. We tried decontaminating as many possessions as possible. In retrospect, it made us all much more ill.

“If I had it to do over, I would just shut the door and walk away.”

  • “Let me thank you for all your wonderful research on mold. Your antibody testing likely saved my and my son's life. Unbeknownst to us, we were in a water-damaged building and VERY sick. My son had developed seizures, fatigue, and severe body pain and had to drop out of college and I was so tired and in so much body pain that I thought I would have to quit work, work I am passionate about. Your test changed the course of our lives forever. It has also helped countless of my patients including some with breast implants that were moldy!!”

  • "Thank god i found your videos on YouTube after going around the block with chronic fatigue and other mold ""experts”, spending way too much money and getting no significant progress. Finding you was such a relief!!!​

    My doctor may order the tests for me if i ask but she would not know what to do with them. Same with two naturopaths i have consulted.​

    The mold in our home was not visible; it was hidden behind the wallpapers in certain areas and also behind the kitchen cabinets."

  • "A young mother of a 3-year-old feels FANTASTIC! Her 24/7 disequilibrium and vertigo, constant muscle spasms (she had it for 8 months), numbness, visual problems, and lightheadedness are gone. Also, her MS (symptoms) and Parkinson’s (symptoms) have improved. She is sleeping better, her mood is elevated, and she is feeling like herself again. ​

    She found it horrifyingly amazing that all of the MRIs, neurologists, specialists had nothing to offer yet something as simple as the Rx and targeted support from the functional genomic analysis gave her her life back.”

  • “Thank you very much for your time and your attention. At risk of sounding boring, I’d like to thank you again for your groundbreaking work and your scientific, therapeutic and dissemination effort, truly a beacon in the dark.​”

  • “Between July of 2022 and March of 2023 he had a 23% reduction in elevated IgG mycotoxin antibodies. ​

    The High Positive Vomitoxin remained in that category but decreased in magnitude.

    The Moderately High category was eliminated completely.​

    The Moderate category dropped 8%. ​

    Overall his scores improved from 83% elevated above the LOW range to only 50%.​

    His IgE mycotoxin antibodies dropped as well.​

    There are now zero High Positive and Moderately High antibodies (there were 2 and 1 respectively)​

    Overall, all 5 of the elevated numbers are in the Moderate range.​

    More importantly, is that his quality of life has improved dramatically as evidenced by test results, the Immune Questionnaire and his personal testimony.​

    "Spent a year sitting on my beanbag and am now back to work. Thinking again, driving again and living life.”"

  • “On behalf of Dr DV, we at CCIMHealth want to thank you and Dr Campbell as we are having amazing clinical results using your testing in conjunction with our gut microbiome program to reverse autoimmune disease- we have a total reversal of Graves and an almost reversal of Crohns (multiple) thanks to your test.​”

  • “I also want to thank you for your comprehension, your availability, your compassion and your humanity. It gets terrible when you have brain fog and no energy at all, you’re zombified, everything looks grey and nobody’s there to, at least, understand what’s going on. You know what the syndrome does and you know how important all of that is, from a psychological point of view.”

  • “A follow up - I told you that after moving out of the moldy home (and taking itraconazole and your recommended nutraceuticals) That my eyes were better … I saw my ophthalmologist Friday —- virtually all back to normal by exam”

  • “I wanted to personally thank you for your time and help. It has been a while since I talked with a subject matter expert who has both the level of experience and backed up by science. I salute your work and admire your blunt approach and honesty. It is not easy to find accurate help in a sea of misleading information led by those who mainly take advantage of the sick and desperate.”

  • “I wanted to thank you for your time and the incredible information you provided on our zoom call yesterday. What is commonplace for you, was mind blowing to me. I can’t tell you what it meant to me to hear such powerful and empowering information at a time I needed hope and direction. I devoured your web page videos and papers with a renewed sense of uncovering what I can do to help myself. For patients like me, who feel overwhelmed, sick and failed by the general medical community, I want to tell you just how much those 15 min of your time meant to me."

  • “Just want to reach out and say, ""thank you"" for all you have done and continue to do! You have helped me understand so many things I otherwise would not have known. It takes just one person to make a difference, and that is you! "

  • "I watched some of your YouTube presentations and am more becoming aware of the highly destructive potential of mold. I am someone who has had a ton of tests and treatment for tick borne illness and candida with no positive results.​

    Three years of chronic problems. I was in a home previously with water damage. Thanks for allowing me to reach out to you in this highly underrepresented medical area.​”

  • “I truly am grateful to your expertise as a physician and friend. I really do feel so much better, and I owe this to you....when people are in a near death experience, that when they recover life looks so different. They are overwhelmed with thanks for life. I really believe that with your “special care”, you have given me my life back....”​

  • “In October, a year ago, just a few weeks before seeing you for the first time...I was so ill....Since then you have been treating me and encouraged me. The difference from last year was incredible….what you have done for me so far, Dr. Campbell, I can’t ever “Thank You” enough!!! Please KNOW you are doing an EXCELLENT job of helping me along with so many others. Please keep up the GOOD work Dr. Campbell, I am behind you in support ALL THE WAY!!!”​

  • “...thank you and your staff for giving me the hope that I will finally have a diagnosis of my condition after having lost faith in doctors....I finally have found a doctor with the kindness, and genuine concern, and medical expertise to help me through this....I must say that you are one of the finest physicians I have ever had the pleasure of knowing....I write this letter not only as a patient, but as a seasoned medical person having had the shoe on both feet. Again, thank all of you for your kindness, sincerity., and giving me hope for a brighter tomorrow.”

  • “There could never be enough words to express my thanks to you for giving me my life back. It was your great efforts and education that gave people like me the freedom and ability to live a normal life. I know that without your help I'd still be struggling to make it through each day and still looking for someone who understands how I was feeling.”

  • “I finally feel like I've found people who listen and understand. Now I feel very optimistic and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's been a really rough six years but now with your encouragement I feel like I've already started to heal. Thanks again for being so wonderful and kind.​”

  • “Thank you for being my lifesaver! You found the life-threatening disease that baffled everyone else for five years....life has completely changed for the better. I now have hope, solutions, and a caring physician who has taken time to listen and hear. You have been working on my solutions for over a year and today I have a life. Thank you for my life!​”

  • “My family and I would like to thank you....To my family what you did was nothing less than heroic and words cannot express the happiness I feel that my nine-year-old daughter is seeing me well really for the first time in her life, not to mention my husband of 18 years that saw my health decline. You helped me through all the bad days (years), as my pastor pointed out during the invocation, it all boils down to those that have the power to make the necessary changes need to be true to themselves. They have all the proof they need if they chose to do so.​”

  • “I want to take this opportunity to say thank you not for the courtesy, concern, and professionalism which was exceptional by you and your staff, for the hope you have given me. Life is made of hopes and dreams, for coming under your care after I have all but given up....​”

  • “I know you have a very busy schedule, and yet you have taken the time to help me and talk to me when I had a problem or a question... My “Thank you to you Dr. Campbell” comes from the bottom of my heart out of sincere appreciation for all you’ve done so far to help me feel better. After being so sick for so many years just to say thank you seems so inadequate... For me, it’s like a miracle or like being resurrected from a death-like state. Even my husband says the life is back in my eyes.​”

  • Description goes here
  • I must say that your treatment program was working just like you state in all of your videos and technical papers. On the 4th month, doing the paradigm to the letter, I was feeling 85% better at that point. The fatigue attacks had disappeared, brain fog and Mild Cognitive Impairment was much less, and I even had to reduce my thyroid medications, etc.. Then, I went back to the same living space environment. Within 3 days of my return all of my previous symptoms started returning. (I can picture you in my mind rolling your eyes) After 3 weeks of getting progressively worse I quit taking the Itraconazole as well as the required vitamin regimen. I had the feeling that I should do that because I was technically no longer standardly applying the paradigm procedures.